Advising Services

Advising at Virginia Tech is a collaborative process between the student-athlete and college advisors leading to the exchange of information that encourages the individual student-athlete to make responsible academic and career decisions. Student-Athletes receive academic advising services from college advisors; the advisement is supplemented with input from SAASS counselors regarding NCAA regulations and practice/competition time concerns.
While both academic major advisors and SAASS Academic Counselors support student-athletes, the ultimate responsibility for knowing requirements and deadlines rests with the student-athletes themselves.
SAASS Academic Counselors
Academic Counselors in the SAASS office advise student-athletes on issues of NCAA eligibility requirements and scheduling around athletic events. Student-athletes should meet with SAASS Academic Counselors on a frequent basis to verify progress toward degree requirements, grade results, and travel/practice implications for courses.
Academic Major Advisors
Each Virginia Tech student, including all student-athletes, is assigned an academic advisor in the department in which he or she has declared a major. Academic major advisors guide students through the requirements for graduation from Virginia Tech. Students meet with their academic major advisor on a regular basis to gain valuable information on course selection and academic requirements. Choosing the appropriate courses toward graduation in any of the university’s majors is complex and the academic major advisor has the expertise to make the process successful for each student. Academic major advisors are also helpful in working with Deans if student-athletes need to appeal grades, take courses off-campus, process course withdrawal forms, or change majors
Progress Reports
Faculty Academic Progress Reports are sent out to each student-athletes’ respective faculty members twice a semester. These academic reports allow for faculty to provide feedback on student-athletes performance in each class such as attendance, completion of assignments, and current grade status. Faculty members return the academic progress forms to SAASS Academic Counselors. SAASS Academic Counselors review the reports with coaches and student-athletes. These progress reports allow SAASS Academic Counselors and student-athletes the time to make adjustments and changes in study practices and behavior before the end of the semester. Additionally, they provide a springboard for discussion between the student, SAASS Academic Counselor, and faculty member. SAASS staff and coaches encourage all student-athletes to regularly attend classes, complete assignments promptly, and make frequent contact with instructors in order to be successful in courses.
Travel Letters
It is the student-athlete’s responsibility during the first week of classes each semester to communicate their sport travel commitments with each of their faculty members. The purpose of the travel letter is to ensure faculty are fully informed that the student-athlete has been selected for the travel team and will be absent from class.
SAASS integrates its services with those of the University community, making appointments with the following offices:
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